Brainwave Classification Chart

Lambda Brainwaves

100 hz - 200 hz

Lambda waves are recently reported very high frequency brainwaves. Lambda brainwaves are a 'newer' brainwave only because it is difficult to get instrumentation to accurately measure them. Lambda brainwaves are associated with wholeness and integration, as well as with mystical experiences and out of body experiences. Interestingly these extremely high frequency brainwaves seem to ride on a very low frequency Epsilon wave. If you were to zoom out from the high frequency Lambda wave far enough you would see that it is riding on a larger very low frequency wave.

Gamma & Hyper Gamma Waves

30 hz - 100 hz

Gamma brainwaves are usually very weak in normal people but have recently been found to be very strong in Tibetan monks while doing a Loving Kindness meditation. 40hz becomes the dominant frequency of these monks while meditating and it is also the frequency that the core of Earth resonates to. A very important frequency when it comes to higher awareness and mystical experiences.

Beta Waves

13 hz - 30 hz

Beta is identified with active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration. A healthy beta state allows you to think quickly and improve your focus. But too much time in the beta state can cause anxiety, stress, and paranoia, which can lead to muscle tension, depression, high blood pressure, and insomnia, among other sleep disturbances and health problems. While too much time in beta is obviously not good, a lack of sufficient beta activity can also cause mental or emotional disorders such as depression, ADD and insomnia. In such cases stimulating beta activity can improve emotional stability, energy levels, attentiveness and concentration.


Alpha Waves

8 hz - 12 hz

When we begin to relax or begin to get drowsy, but are still awake and conscious, we are at the alpha level. Alpha patterns vary from deep alpha, a state of deep relaxation, (often referred to as the twilight state between sleep and waking) to the higher end of alpha that is a more focused, yet still a very relaxed state. Alpha is a very receptive, absorbent mental state and can be used for effective self-hypnosis, reprogramming the sub conscious, accelerated learning and more. When you spend more time in Alpha state, you'll find it easier to tap into your higher levels of creativity and expression.


Theta Waves

4 hz - 8 hz

When we are asleep and have dreams, and experience rapid eye movement (REM), and even when we experience deep meditation, we are at the theta level. Theta is a dream like stage, pre-sleep or pre-awaken stage (or deep meditation stage). Theta is associated with a number of beneficial states such as: sustained attention over time, enhanced creativity, boosted immune system, increased long term memory, opening the mind to suggestion and new ideas, advanced problem solving, deep meditation and deep relaxation etc., etc. In the slower theta brainwave pattern, the brain makes lots of relaxing endorphins that melt all your stress away.


Delta Waves

0.5 hz - 4 hz

Delta waves are usually associated with deep, slow brain activity found in deep sleep. Delta waves are experienced predominantly in newborn infants, as well as in healthy adults in deep rejuvenating sleep, or in very deep states of meditation. At the delta level the body replenishes its energy, releases anti-aging hormones like human growth hormone (HGH*), relieves stress, and boosts the immune system. The delta state rejuvenates your mind, body, and spirit. When your dominant brainwave is delta, your body is healing itself and "resetting" its internal clocks so to speak.

Epsilon Waves

< 0.5 Hz

Recently the brainwaves below 0.5hz have been classified as a separate band called Epsilon. Interestingly again we find that they are strongly related to the highest frequency brainwaves (Lambda) in that if you zoom in far enough you would see that embedded within the slow Epsilon frequency is a very fast Lambda frequency wave. The same states of consciousness are associated with both Lambda and Epsilon waves. Wholeness and integration seem to be the main themes of these brainwaves. As you open to higher levels of consciousness (associated with the upper chakras and the opening of the "third eye"), you will be able to allow the higher, and extremely low, brainwaves to become more dominant in your brain activity. Your perceptions will then expand, you will be able to consciously perceive the higher frequencies of light and sound which are as yet unable to be detected by mere scientific instrumentation.



(Human Growth Hormone)

As we get older, decreasing quantities of HGH results in many aging symptoms including loss of muscle tone, increased weight gain, loss of stamina, sagging skin and muscles, wrinkled skin that lacks good tone and texture and flagging memory and many diseases associated with aging. HGH is produced naturally by the pituitary gland in the center of our brain. When we are in deep, dreamless sleep at the delta level the pituitary is stimulated to produce more HGH which is why we feel refreshed and replenished when we get a good nights sleep. The anti-aging properties of deep meditation come from the release of HGH when reaching the delta level during meditation. A healthy lifestyle and diet, and a calm mental and emotional life also stimulate the production of HGH. Lack in any of this is at least one of the reasons for aging, mental imbalances, sickness and disease and so on. help bring the body to a deeply relaxed state so that one can reach the delta level easier. It also helps to have a healthy diet and lifestyle, it all works together for the better.